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Clinical Support

We provide outpatient services in collaboration with volunteer neurologists, along with diagnostic testing and support for managing epilepsy and associated conditions. We do this because we believe that early and consistent medical management can lead to seizure remission in up to 70% of our patients.

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Community Education

Raising public awareness is at the heart of our mission to eliminate the stigma surrounding epilepsy. Despite advances in medical understanding, many people still mistakenly believe that epilepsy is linked to evil spirits. We therefore educate the community that epilepsy is a medical condition that can be effectively treated with medication.

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Wellbeing Support

At CareEpilepsy, we understand that living with epilepsy can bring many challenges, often leading to feelings of anxiety and depression. We are here to offer compassionate support and practical solutions to help you manage your emotions and responses effectively. By offering psychological and economic assistance, we empower individuals to build self-confidence, gain a sense of self-worth, achieve self-sufficiency and enhance their overall quality of life.

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Advocacy Initiatives

Advocating for epilepsy, we work to drive systemic changes in education, employment, and healthcare. Join us in our mission to build a more inclusive society and ensure that individuals with epilepsy have the opportunities and support they need to thrive in all areas of life.

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Training & Education

Our clinical training program enhances the knowledge of primary healthcare professionals in epilepsy care, covering diagnosis, treatment, and overall management. This ensures that individuals with epilepsy receive accurate diagnoses and effective treatments, improving their overall health and quality of life.

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Become a Volunteer

Our volunteering service is vital in enhancing support for individuals with epilepsy. Volunteers assist with patient care, community education, and administrative tasks, allowing us to offer more comprehensive services. Their dedication and diverse skills make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by epilepsy.

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