Newly diagnosed with Epilepsy

Receiving an epilepsy diagnosis can be a deeply personal experience, affecting everyone differently. You might feel a range of emotions, from being overwhelmed to feeling relieved. We understand, and we're here to help. Here are some common questions that people often have after a diagnosis. We hope you find this information comforting and helpful as you navigate your journey with epilepsy.

Caring for someone with Epilepsy

Do you support or care for a partner, friend, or family member with epilepsy? We're here for you too. Caring for someone with epilepsy, whether they are a family member, partner, or friend, can be challenging. Your role is vital, and we're here to help. Whether the person you care for has recently been diagnosed or has been living with epilepsy for a while, we offer practical tips and information tailored for you. We're committed to providing the support and resources you need on this journey.